These are some of the causes I stand for:

On March 16, 2001 my God Daughter, Shyanne, was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. The following links are in support of CF Foundations and/or Organizations who strive to provide care and general information for those who need it.

Great Strides for CF!
Take "Great Strides" in helping with research through the Great Strides Walk-a-Thon or the Great Strides Online Letter Writing Campaign. If you can't get out to walk with us, you can send emails and still help out!

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - With a wealth of information from Treatments, Diagnosis and medications this site has almost any information you will need to learn about CF.

Ronald McDonald House CharitiesThis is the house that provides the home, that cooks the meals, that sleeps the people, that dries the tears. This is the house that Love love built.

When my God Daughter was born in Oklahoma City we were thrown into a situation of being out of state and with not much money. We got in touch with Ronald McDonald House and they welcomed us with open arms. We met a wonderful group of people, most of whom also had Premature babies and we created a much-needed support group. If it weren't for Ronald McDonald House and this haphazard support group I know Sherry and I would have gone insane with worry. It would take a life time to give back what they gave us and we will always be grateful.

If you think you can't help out, you can! If you know how to knit or crochet, they will gladly accept any outfits you can make for premie babies. Belive me, premie outfits are scarce to find, and when you do they are so over-priced it's outrageous. Size your outfits to a small baby-doll, compared to a 3 pound or less premie and send them in today! When families of premie babies leave RMcDH they receive a 'starter' package, clothes are part of it. So your small donation CAN touch the hearts of hundreds of people in your area. You can also volunteer to cook a meal, vacuum a floor, whatever you feel you can contribute will help out more then you know. When a family of a premie baby is in the hospital fighting for their life, the last thing on their mind is making a bed.

American Pet PlanAmerican Pet Plan - Do you have pets? Do you every have to juggle bills or cash flow to provide them with medical needs? If so, or if you would like to just be able to provide them with medical care and not have to worry about a big bill coming, then American Pet Plan is for you. APP works much like your own HMO, they provide the Insurance, you select from a vast list of Health Providers in your area. If there are none on the list, you can ask APP to contact them to join the Network. Annual Fees are low, low, low and Vet Charges are amazingly reduced. Enroll and receive great savings so your pets won't have to wait for excellent medical care. Please visit their website for more detailed information. UPDATE: Even though I am no longer in the States (moved back to Canada) and we don't have APP available here, I'm leaving this information and link because this is a cause I strongly stand for.

Stop The Hate    Stop The Hate    Stop The Hate
Graphics used with permission

The Quilt of Phenominal WomenThe Quilt of Pheonminal Women - add your square to the ever-growing internet quilt.

We will never forget   Being a Cancer Survivor!   Surviving Domestic Violence   Protecting Animal Rights   Being an Animal Caretaker

Here are some Good Will Seals I have received

Survival Good Will Seal Good Will Seal of Inner Beauty
Good Will Seal of Spirituality Good Will Seal of Starting Over
Good Will Seal of Love Good Will Seal of Friendship
Good Will Seal of Humanity