
Breed: American Short Hair Tabby

Born: April 1991 in Canada

Bad Habbits: doing the "kitty dance" on momma's tummy and getting into the garbage. Guess they should just take it out *stretches*

Most Lovable Attribute: cuddles in momma's arms under the blankies while we sleep

How I came to be: My momma rescued me from the backyard of my birth home. My birth momma had died 2 weeks after I was born when she gave birth to 4 more kittens. There were 3 known alive when I was born, so that makes at least 7 of us. The doc's said it's rare but very probable since me and all my brothers & sisters could all have different daddies. I dunno *licks paws* all I know is that my momma came along and brought me home.


Breed: Egyptian Tabby (Egyptian Maul & Persian Tabby)

Born: April 1992 in Canada

Bad Habbits: throwing myself head first at full speed into the windows to chase away all them critters who want on my turf, being generally un-loving to anyone new in my home - It's my home after all and I didn't invite them, putting the run to them other 2 when they come near me and letting the world know they are uninvited *licks paws*.

Most Lovable Attribute: shows my loyalty and never-ending love to momma by head-butting them for huggies, reaching up and giving kisses *cringes* not licks *yuck!!* I would never lick a human - that's just gross, searching for my beloved Stryker and cuddling with him cuz I missed and love him so much.

How I came to be: It all started with this really big dog *tears up*. All was fine and dandy, we had it so good. Then the doggie got hateful to me and my brothers & sisters and started to eat them. He chased off my birth-momma too, so I got pretty sick from no food *sniffs*. Them there was momma, she came and got me and brought me home. Took me to the doc and got me all better, and carried me around him her pocket until I was big enough to stay at home alone with Stryker. He is one year older then me and I was very, very tiny - only 3 weeks old at the time - and he played really, really rough with poor little ol' me *winks*. I'm the superstar of the family. The doc loved me so much that he put me on his office calendar for 3 straight years!!! So yes, you are looking at a bonafide centerfold in the furr!! No autographs please, my paws get sooooo tired from all that stamping.



Breed: Feril Breed - Ocicat (oss-i-cat)

Born: August 1999 in Texas

Bad Habbits: playing in the giant water dish they call the "toilet" *blank stare*, running around the house as if my tail is on fire non-stop, diving at the fish tank - why can't I catch them *quirks head* and chasing Wynston around the house - she never wants to play *pouts*.

Most Lovable Attribute: stretches out on the floor to greet momma when she comes home from work. Lays across momma's desk to help her play the stupid computer games. See them things running 'round on the big TV?? How come they won't play wif me??? *whines*.

How I came to be: Before we moved there were lots of kitty cats running around wild and I was born under one of the buildings there. I was pretty skinny and not very well when momma found me. Or I should say I found her. I was hungry and she had some kind of food, so up to her I go with the most needing look and pittiful meow I could muster up. *hehehehe* Worked like a charm and next thing I know I got a bowl of grub and lots of milk. Then .... the inevitable happened *deer in the headlights look* THE VET!!! He poked 'n proded and took me diggers away as well as .... *ahem* some other parts that "they" said I wouldn't be needing. *stretches* oh well ... *yawns* I'm much happier now. Hey!!! *gets evil eyes* did Wynston move?!?! I bet she wants to "play" *hehehehe*