Holy Hell, what happened to the pages!

As you can see, I've managed to get quite a library of music gathered up. The more music the more fun, but the more music the more cateloging you have to do. This makes it very hard since there are dozens of different genre's and only so much room to fit onto a playlist. I have decided to use type groups instead of music genre's. Here's what has happened ...

You will find anything that is rock ... alternative, modern, classic, 70's, oldies - ANYTHING that is rock based on the new "Rock" link.

You will find anything that is dancey ... dance, pop, club mixes, techno, disco, 70's, 80's - ANYTHING that is dance music based on the new "Dance" link.

Anything that is Funk, Soul or Urban based has been moved to the "Urban" link. This will also include oldies, 70's and 80's that is based from R&B.

Some will notice 2 new genres: Ambient and Club Mixes. It's too hard to find songs when you have this much so I've done some "splitting". Hope this helps!

Most pages now has a search box option at the top. Simply type in the name of the artist or the song and click search and if it's on that page, then it will *zap* you to the listing. I suggest using the artist name, and keep it simple for best search results. it's not perfect, but it sure will help you to find what you're lookin for!

About the layout ...
Betty Boop is probably the most notorious and the worlds first absolute sex diva. She was first created of ink and captured the eyes of men and boys of all ages, and curled an eyebrow on more then 1 lady's face I'm sure. When she took life on the silver screen she became an entirely new entity. Earning her rights of passage, she blew the doors wide open for the likes of Annimation favorite Jessica Rabbit and many, many others to follow.

I've been wanting to make a nice change for a long time now, but never knew where to go. During a converstation with Kelsie I decided to look into Betty Boop. Here is the results. I managed to find some very nice images all over the internet from various sites. I remember a layout I did before with polaroid photo's and decided to use that concept again, what else would you do with a pinup :) Here she is, in the final works. Betty Boop ...

A lot of people have been very surprised to find out that certain bands they love are CANADIAN!!! Yes, that's right - we CAN play music, live in an igloo AND ride beavers at the same time *winks* And for the record? South Park has never been to Canada *winks again* and we do NOT say "Take off eh?" or call everyone "Hosers" ... wtf is a Hoser anyways?

If you wanna come hang out with me, you can find me in Second Life as Kandi Valkyrie. We hang out at SimKast Cove. Come join the fun FREE!! You can download the game and play for FREE!!! What you waiting for? Read the system requirements to see if your system can handle it first!

... My Gaming Info ...
Second Life Kandi Valkyrie

... My On Air Schedule ...
Right now you'll find me kickin it in Second Life at the SimKast Cove
Mondays and Wednesdays
Monday at 10:00pm EST
Wednesdays at 10:00pm EST
Check The Sked!